How OwnerInsight verifies the accuracy of occupant-provided photos

homeowner inspection tool fraud prevention geo tagging

Geo-verification protects against fraudulent use and is available by default for all OwnerInsight users

1 min read

OwnerInsight™ provides a simple and secure way to meet appraisal data requirements by allowing appraisers to quickly request and receive interior appraisal info and photos from home occupants. All that’s needed is a property address and the occupant’s contact information, and appraisers can receive timely information from inside homes they are unable to physically enter because of COVID-19.

But how does OwnerInsight protect against the potential for fraudulent use, especially with regard to occupant-provided photos?

In addition to requiring the occupant to certify and agree that they disclosed all material facts and that the information they provided is true and correct, OwnerInsight verifies photo geolocation data for each individual photo to further protect against fraudulent use.

If the photo’s geolocation is within a predetermined distance of the subject property, the photo will be listed as “geo-verified” and display a green mark. If the photo’s geolocation is outside of that predetermined distance, the photo will be listed as “unverified” and display a red mark.

Photo geo-verification is available now and by default for all OwnerInsight users, and the OwnerInsight team is dedicated to making continuous improvements to this and other features.

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